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  • 執筆者の写真Shuichi Matsuzawa

Center for Novel Therapeutics(京都大学サンディエゴ研究施設設置建物)開所式 /Center for Novel Therapeutics Opening Ceremony


Center for Novel Therapeutics (京都大学サンディエゴ研究施設設置建物)開所式が行われました。

医学研究科は、米国カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)構内Center for Novel Therapeutics(CNT)3階においてOn-site Laboratoryである「京都大学サンディエゴ研究施設」を設置し、2019年9月より、CNTの開所とともに本格始動させる運びとなりました。CNTはUCSD構内にある、貸しラボ機能を持つ施設であり、UCSDや本学の他にも組織や企業等が入居しています。

開所式は2019年9月6日(金)に開催され、本学関係者、UCSD関係者、サンディエゴの産官学機関の関係者を含め、総勢200名近くが出席しました。本式典では、本学の代表として湊長博 理事・副学長の挨拶がありました。その他にも、プラディープ・コースラUCSD学長やトーマス・キップスCNT所長をはじめとする、UCSD関係者及びCNT関係者の挨拶があり、盛会の内に終了しました。


Opening Ceremony for the Center for Novel Therapeutics (Kyoto University Research Center San Diego)

The Graduate School of Medicine has established the "Kyoto University Research Center San Diego (KURC-SD)", an on-site laboratory, on the third floor of the Center for Novel Therapeutics (CNT) on the campus of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), from September 2019, the opening of the CNT. CNT is a facility on the UCSD campus that functions as a rental lab and is home to UCSD scientists and Kyoto University as well as other organizations and businesses.

The opening ceremony was held on Friday, September 6, 2019, and was attended by a total of nearly 200 people, including representatives of Kyoto University, UCSD, and San Diego's industry, government, and academic institutions. At the ceremony, Dr. Nagahiro Minato, Executive Director and Vice Chancellor of Kyoto University, gave an address on behalf of the University. In addition, greetings were given by UCSD Chancellor Pradeep Khosla and CNT Director Thomas Kipps, as well as other UCSD and CNT officials, and the ceremony was a great success.

This ceremony was a great opportunity to promote KURC-SD and Kyoto University, and we look forward to more research exchanges and collaborations with UCSD and companies in the San Diego area.

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